Membership Pays Dividends
“[CPA] Membership pays dividends both literally and figuratively.” - Enje Brown Director of Operations at Maya Angelou Public Charter School
Check out our latest video featuring CPA Co-op Board Members Troy Watson (Board President as well as Executive Director of Emory United Methodist), Ellen Agler (Former Board President and Executive Director of Temple Sinai) and Enje Brown (Director of Operations at Maya Angelou Public Charter School)
At CPA-Coop we bring decision makers together to tackle common challenges - finding solutions that are stronger and more resilient than if we’d try to go about the process alone. Our trust and camaraderie is especially evident in the wake of COVID 19 and the protests that gripped our nation. Together we were able to:
Launch a national PPE program that prioritizes purchasing through BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) suppliers
Launch a Food Service program that provides locally sourced, locally cooked meals to thousands of low income students in the DC area
Organize six energy aggregation purchases across four states in response to shifting markets, with expected savings from our DC and Maryland participants to be anywhere from $300,000-500,000 over the course of their contracts
Host weekly calls for our members and participants to discuss everything from the Paycheck Protection Program to how to fundraise in a global recession to facility readiness when welcoming people back into buildings (Interested in joining a Charter School peer group or our Strengthening Congregations calls? Email Alex:
“I am very grateful that we have been able to be a part of the awesome work you all do. It has been a lot of fun from the very start and it’s so cool to see have you all have grown this over the years. Thank you for your partnership and consistent support. It’s been a tough year in so many ways and I’m grateful for reminders like this about all the good things, good work and good people that I am fortunate enough to be in the orbit of.”